Wind Farms
Our wide experience in wind projects has allowed us to develop numerous methodologies for wildlife conservation, implementation of prediction models and the calculation of species-specific collision risk indexes for birds and bats.
Some of our services are:
- Environmental Impact Studies.
- Design of Specific Environmental Monitoring plans.
- Preliminary studies of bats and birds.
- Collision studies: determination of carcass disappearance rates and detectability rates.
- Shadow Flicker studies.
- Case-by-case technical studies on the best preventive and corrective measures to be implemented in wind farms.
- Comparative analysis of cost/benefit alternatives in the installation of radars, deterrent devices or employment of specialized field personnel.
- Monitoring and tracking of wildlife, installation of radars and deterrent devices.
- Assessment of Impacts on the Natura 2000 Network.
- Studies on barrier effect, habitat fragmentation and loss of ecological connectivity.
- Development and application of mathematical models for the calculation of Specific Collision Risk indices (SRIs) in birds and bats.
- Cumulative and Synergistic Effects Assessment.
- Environmental Noise modelling.
- Landscape Impact Studies and viewshed analysis.
- Modelling, infographics and 3D video.
- Archaeological studies.
- Waste management and minimization.
- Environmental Management Systems in wind farms.
- Construction Environmental Management.