Environmental Monitoring Plan for the San Andres de los Tacones Dam Repair Project. Ichthyological safeguarding and eradication of invasive species


On the occasion of the works to be carried out in the San Andrés de los Tacones reservoir dam, the controlled emptying of the reservoir was carried out, which entailed the execution of an Environmental Surveillance Plan that consisted of monitoring different elements of biological quality (phytoplankton, macroinvertebrates, macrophytes, diatoms, etc.) both in the reservoir and upstream and downstream of it, as well as the ichthyological safeguard and eradication of invasive species, which was carried out both on foot and from a boat. ) both in the reservoir and upstream and downstream of it, as well as the ichthyological safeguard and eradication of invasive species, which was carried out both on foot and from boats.

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