MEETING GLOBAL CHALLENGES Our Main PROJECTS Environment and Sustainability Environmental Impact Study for the Ordinary Environmental Impact Assessment of the Conso II Reversible Hydroelectric Development Construction Project. + INFO ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Flow gauging in the Navia River + INFO Environment and Sustainability Determination of the ecological status, safeguarding, and relocation of the ichthyofauna in the Nalón river (Asturias) as a consequence of the Tanes Dam Downstream Drainage Tests. + INFO ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Monitoring of the execution of the restoration and landscape integration project Nudo Norte Wind Farms (IBERDROLA). + INFO Consulting Environmental Monitoring Plan during the Work Phase of the Temporary Water Collection Diversion Project of the Navia River, Navia (Asturias). + INFO Environment and Sustainability Environmental Monitoring Plan for the San Andres de los Tacones Dam Repair Project. Ichthyological safeguarding and eradication of invasive species + INFO ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Morphometric and Hydrodynamic Analysis of the Ebro River and the Dispersion of the Thermal Discharges of the Castejón Combined Cycle Power Plant. + INFO ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Dispersion study of the material deposited in the sea from the dredging project of the Navia estuary channel in order to favor the regeneration of the Navia beach. + INFO ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Study of the necessary flows to be released at La Florida dam to guarantee the Good Ecological Status of the river section between the foot of the dam and the hydro-screw outlet. + INFO ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Construction of a hydrodynamic model for the study of the influence of the installation of a launching ramp in the South Port of Castropol. + INFO Consulting Participation in the Project “Gijón Carbon Footprint Calculation” led by the City Council of Gijón and the Asturian Quality Club, carrying out consultancy and advisory work for SMEs in Asturias for registration in the MITECO. + INFO Consulting Environmental Monitoring Plan during the Construction Phase of the Virgen de Areños III Photovoltaic Solar Plant and Evacuation Infrastructures Project + INFO Consulting Environmental Monitoring Plan during the Construction Phase of the Buniel Wind Farm and Associated Electrical Installations Construction Project. + INFO Consulting Environmental Monitoring Plan during the Work Phase of the San Andrés de los Tacones Dam Repair Project, Gijón (Asturias). + INFO Consulting Environmental Monitoring Plan during the Construction Phase of the Zafra V Photovoltaic Solar Plant Construction Project, Municipality of Zafra (Badajoz). + INFO Consulting On-site Environmental Monitoring Plan for the Improvement Project of the Bueres (P.K. 23+650) and Campo de Caso (P.K. 31+141) Sections of the AS-254 Highway. + INFO Consulting Environmental Surveillance Plan during the Construction Phase of the Revilla-Vallejera Photovoltaic Solar Plant Construction Project and Expansion of the Ballestas and La Casetona Electrical Transformer Substation. + INFO Laboratory and Environmental DNA Limnological study in the reservoirs of Furacón, Priañes, Valdemurio, Pilotuerto, La Barca, Rioseco, Tanes, Saliencia, Somiedo, Valle I, and Valle II. + INFO Consulting Environmental Monitoring Plan during the Construction Phase of the Buseco Wind Farm and Electrical Transformer Substation Construction Project. + INFO Laboratory and Environmental DNA Limnological study. Alsa-Torina, Doiras and Arbón reservoirs. + INFO Laboratory and Environmental DNA Limnological study of the reservoirs of Embalses de Prada, Matalavilla, Peñarrubia, Montearenas, San Sebastián. + INFO Environment and Sustainability Ichthyological safeguarding in different infrastructures of hydraulic power plants of Endesa Generación’s UPH Noroeste Hydraulic Production Unit. + INFO Laboratory and Environmental DNA Environmental Monitoring Plan and Study of Impacts on the ecological potential of water bodies: Campañana reservoir and Carucedo Lake. + INFO Consulting Site Surveillance Plan for the Project to extend the dry dock ramps at the Gondán Shipyard in the Port of Figueras (Asturias). + INFO Featured Fauna Survey Report of the Platform Construction Project of the Cantabrian-Mediterranean High-Speed Railway Corridor. + INFO Featured Preliminary study on the possible presence of invasive exotic species (zebra mussel and Asian clam), susceptible to spread through vectors related to the navigation activity in the Tanes and Rioseco reservoirs. + INFO Environmental Education Management of equipment of the Cantabria Visitor Center Network. + INFO Environmental Education Management (Planning, Design and Execution) of Diverse Marketing and Advertising Campaigns in Events with Commitment to Sustainability. + INFO Environmental Education Service for the Summer Colonies of the Atlantic Botanical Garden of Gijón + INFO Environmental Education Programming, management, and development of environmental education programs at the Monte Deva Nature Interpretation Center in Gijón. + INFO Environmental Education Reinforcement campaign on information and public awareness about the separation of the organic fraction in Gijón. + INFO Environmental Education Campaign to Support Voluntary Waste Cleanups in Natural Spaces + INFO Environmental Education Technical assistance for the development of the European Week for Waste Prevention, coordinated in Asturias by COGERSA. + INFO Environmental Education Technical assistance for the coordination of the activities to be carried out at the stand of Consorcio de Aguas de Asturias at FIDMA-21. + INFO Environmental Education Environmental campaign in the areas of El Polígono and La Arena in Gijón for EMULSA’s pay-as-you-throw pilot project. + INFO Environmental Education Environmental Equipment Management Service Ekoetxea Txingudi, Irun. + INFO Consulting Environmental Monitoring Plan for the Construction of a Fish Passage in the existing dam on the Valdeprado River. + INFO Consulting Execution and Construction Management of the Landscape Restoration and Integration Projects for the Capiechamartín, Cordel and Vidural, Panondres and Verdigueiro Wind Farms. + INFO Environment and Sustainability Strategic Environmental Study of the Climate Change Adaptation Plan for the Autonomous Ports of the Principality of Asturias. + INFO Environment and Sustainability Strategic Environmental Study for the Revision of the General Development Plan of Siero. + INFO
Environment and Sustainability Environmental Impact Study for the Ordinary Environmental Impact Assessment of the Conso II Reversible Hydroelectric Development Construction Project. + INFO
Environment and Sustainability Determination of the ecological status, safeguarding, and relocation of the ichthyofauna in the Nalón river (Asturias) as a consequence of the Tanes Dam Downstream Drainage Tests. + INFO
ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Monitoring of the execution of the restoration and landscape integration project Nudo Norte Wind Farms (IBERDROLA). + INFO
Consulting Environmental Monitoring Plan during the Work Phase of the Temporary Water Collection Diversion Project of the Navia River, Navia (Asturias). + INFO
Environment and Sustainability Environmental Monitoring Plan for the San Andres de los Tacones Dam Repair Project. Ichthyological safeguarding and eradication of invasive species + INFO
ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Morphometric and Hydrodynamic Analysis of the Ebro River and the Dispersion of the Thermal Discharges of the Castejón Combined Cycle Power Plant. + INFO
ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Dispersion study of the material deposited in the sea from the dredging project of the Navia estuary channel in order to favor the regeneration of the Navia beach. + INFO
ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Study of the necessary flows to be released at La Florida dam to guarantee the Good Ecological Status of the river section between the foot of the dam and the hydro-screw outlet. + INFO
ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Construction of a hydrodynamic model for the study of the influence of the installation of a launching ramp in the South Port of Castropol. + INFO
Consulting Participation in the Project “Gijón Carbon Footprint Calculation” led by the City Council of Gijón and the Asturian Quality Club, carrying out consultancy and advisory work for SMEs in Asturias for registration in the MITECO. + INFO
Consulting Environmental Monitoring Plan during the Construction Phase of the Virgen de Areños III Photovoltaic Solar Plant and Evacuation Infrastructures Project + INFO
Consulting Environmental Monitoring Plan during the Construction Phase of the Buniel Wind Farm and Associated Electrical Installations Construction Project. + INFO
Consulting Environmental Monitoring Plan during the Work Phase of the San Andrés de los Tacones Dam Repair Project, Gijón (Asturias). + INFO
Consulting Environmental Monitoring Plan during the Construction Phase of the Zafra V Photovoltaic Solar Plant Construction Project, Municipality of Zafra (Badajoz). + INFO
Consulting On-site Environmental Monitoring Plan for the Improvement Project of the Bueres (P.K. 23+650) and Campo de Caso (P.K. 31+141) Sections of the AS-254 Highway. + INFO
Consulting Environmental Surveillance Plan during the Construction Phase of the Revilla-Vallejera Photovoltaic Solar Plant Construction Project and Expansion of the Ballestas and La Casetona Electrical Transformer Substation. + INFO
Laboratory and Environmental DNA Limnological study in the reservoirs of Furacón, Priañes, Valdemurio, Pilotuerto, La Barca, Rioseco, Tanes, Saliencia, Somiedo, Valle I, and Valle II. + INFO
Consulting Environmental Monitoring Plan during the Construction Phase of the Buseco Wind Farm and Electrical Transformer Substation Construction Project. + INFO
Laboratory and Environmental DNA Limnological study. Alsa-Torina, Doiras and Arbón reservoirs. + INFO
Laboratory and Environmental DNA Limnological study of the reservoirs of Embalses de Prada, Matalavilla, Peñarrubia, Montearenas, San Sebastián. + INFO
Environment and Sustainability Ichthyological safeguarding in different infrastructures of hydraulic power plants of Endesa Generación’s UPH Noroeste Hydraulic Production Unit. + INFO
Laboratory and Environmental DNA Environmental Monitoring Plan and Study of Impacts on the ecological potential of water bodies: Campañana reservoir and Carucedo Lake. + INFO
Consulting Site Surveillance Plan for the Project to extend the dry dock ramps at the Gondán Shipyard in the Port of Figueras (Asturias). + INFO
Featured Fauna Survey Report of the Platform Construction Project of the Cantabrian-Mediterranean High-Speed Railway Corridor. + INFO
Featured Preliminary study on the possible presence of invasive exotic species (zebra mussel and Asian clam), susceptible to spread through vectors related to the navigation activity in the Tanes and Rioseco reservoirs. + INFO
Environmental Education Management (Planning, Design and Execution) of Diverse Marketing and Advertising Campaigns in Events with Commitment to Sustainability. + INFO
Environmental Education Service for the Summer Colonies of the Atlantic Botanical Garden of Gijón + INFO
Environmental Education Programming, management, and development of environmental education programs at the Monte Deva Nature Interpretation Center in Gijón. + INFO
Environmental Education Reinforcement campaign on information and public awareness about the separation of the organic fraction in Gijón. + INFO
Environmental Education Technical assistance for the development of the European Week for Waste Prevention, coordinated in Asturias by COGERSA. + INFO
Environmental Education Technical assistance for the coordination of the activities to be carried out at the stand of Consorcio de Aguas de Asturias at FIDMA-21. + INFO
Environmental Education Environmental campaign in the areas of El Polígono and La Arena in Gijón for EMULSA’s pay-as-you-throw pilot project. + INFO
Consulting Environmental Monitoring Plan for the Construction of a Fish Passage in the existing dam on the Valdeprado River. + INFO
Consulting Execution and Construction Management of the Landscape Restoration and Integration Projects for the Capiechamartín, Cordel and Vidural, Panondres and Verdigueiro Wind Farms. + INFO
Environment and Sustainability Strategic Environmental Study of the Climate Change Adaptation Plan for the Autonomous Ports of the Principality of Asturias. + INFO
Environment and Sustainability Strategic Environmental Study for the Revision of the General Development Plan of Siero. + INFO